Archive for ensign
8 results.
Across – Page 5
Low Orbit
(Incidentally this is my favorite Long Rose cameo I’ve done. He became my good luck charm at this point in the tourney.)
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Epilogue 2
This was also the first time I decided to write an epilogue for one of my tournament comics, since I felt like I should put a nice little bow on this story in particular.
General Aldrin
So this was around the time that I started the ball rolling on some recurring plot elements that would make up Fei’s overall story arc. Honestly, actually setting up these dominoes was a huge gamble in and of itself in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This was the second page I added to my comic in a blind panic due to perceived pacing issues. Thankfully this was slightly easier to slot in than the other one.