Like A Dance
In a complete out-of-the-blue brainwave, I ended up deciding to frame the entire conversation by using a ping-pong match, which ironically meant I probably drew more action in the non-action round than I did in all my previous comics.
In a complete out-of-the-blue brainwave, I ended up deciding to frame the entire conversation by using a ping-pong match, which ironically meant I probably drew more action in the non-action round than I did in all my previous comics.
I knew I wanted to use the round’s gimmick to explore Fei’s world, which I had been dropping hints about since Round 2 and the sudden arrival of Buzz Aldrin and the Tranquility, and I figured this would be the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This was actually the first page I completed for this comic! One thing that stayed consistent throughout the tournament was how inconsistent my workflow was.
Anyway, turns out Molo lived in my old stomping grounds of Denton, and so in one of the most surreal yet positive experiences in my life, iIwent out for drinks with my round 4 opponent the very first night of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Incidentally this is my favorite Long Rose cameo I’ve done. He became my good luck charm at this point in the tourney.)
This time, I was up against MolotovCockatoo, the artist for Barbarous Barbatya, a devil wrestler and antihero who lived for the thrill of the fight. And, to add a new wrinkle into how weird my life has gotten up to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Helping the general bittersweetness of the round was the round 4 gimmick, which against nearly everyone’s expectations of a “you must fight your teammate from round 3” matchup, ended up being the quiet round: no fighting whatsoever.
Round 4 began with the usual fanfare of new gimmick and new matchups, but also with a surprising melancholy knowing that we were now in the quarterfinals, and these incredible artists I had become friends with were quickly going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…